Looking for a local corn maze or hayride in Southwestern New Mexico? Scroll down this page and you will see the
all of those in Southwestern New Mexico, sorted by county. Some are huge corn mazes with hayrides, pumpkins, corn cannons, inflatables and others are simple
corn mazes with little else. Most also have loads of pumpkins to choose from. To really make it
fun for your kids, look for those that have the extra activities, like a
corn cannon, cow train, inflatables, farm animals, pumpkin patch or zip lines. There is usually a small fee for the mazes (of
course, the more elaborate mazes tend to charge more. Hayrides are often free. A LWAYS call before you go
to confirm whether they are open this year and any requirements, they don't always report changes to me, and many closed permanently due to the covid lockdowns!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a
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geology: like fossils and volcanic areas They're fun, inexpensive and educational! And for road trips and camping, see
There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for February 2025
February: Corn mazes aren't open until late July or August - Same with Pumpkin patches. And if you are looking for a pumpkin patch, this website for
pumpkin patches). You may also want to try the latest fun,
Zombie Paintball, see this website!.
Corn mazes, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Catron County
Dona Ana County
La Union Maze - corn maze, Pumpkin Patch, pick your own pumpkins and chili pepper, hayrides, Farm
Animals, Corn Cannon, Cow Train, Mini Mazes, Trikes, Tube Slide, Goatwalk, Scout Patch
Hwy 28, LA Union, NM,
Phone: 877-810-7887 or Phone: 915-549-0974. Fax: 505-874-3977. Email:
TSGROWER@aol.com. Open: Late September to early November on Friday 5 PM to 10 PM, Saturday 11 am to 10 PM and
Sunday 12 am to 6 PM. Directions: NM 30 min. from Central El Paso, 35 min. from NE El Paso, and 45 min. from Las
Cruces. From West and Cental El Paso; Take I-10 to far West El Paso, take a left on the Artcraft exit. Go west on
Artcraft and take a right on Westside Dr.(second stoplight), continue on Westside until it ends at FM RD 259 (second
stop sign on Westside Drive). Follow signs to La Union, NM on HWY 28. Immediately after passing Sierra Vista Growers
take a left at the Maize sign on the left side of the road. Payment: Credit Cards Accepted Visa, Mastercard, &
Discover. Prices,
Online Tickets and Gift Cards,
Field Trips,
Pumpkins, Special Events, Food Menu,
Large Group Reservations,
FAQs, Employment.
Included in the admission price are two tickets which can used for a hayride, pedal carts, corn cannons,or cow train
during daylight hours, Saturday and Sunday only. Chile Field U-Pick or Buy already Picked, Pumpkin Patch, Enjoy a
good old fashioned hayride, included with your admission price during daylight hours, to the pumpkin patch, where
you can pick your own pumpkins, prices vary by size. Saturday 11 am to dusk and Sunday 12:00 -6 p.m, Goatwalk,
Picnic at the La Union Maze - 7,000 square feet grass area under shady pecan trees.
Click here for our Facebook page. (UPDATED: September 03, 2012, by a visitor to PPAM)
A visitor writes on
September 03, 2012: "We went last year really close to Halloween and it was really slim pickings. Need to go
early in the season to get good selection. They have rides for the kids, ride out to the pumpkin patch, fresh
roasted corn, and a corn maze that changes every year. We had a blast!"
Maldonado Maze LLC - 2024 presumed permanently closed, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, pumpkin patch-
already gathered from the field, Fall festival, train rides, corn maze, haunted corn maze, straw or hay bale maze,
child-sized haybale maze, corn cannon, wagon rides, farm market, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic
area, face painting, Bouncy castle or moon bounce, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding
parties, school tours, events at your location (call for info)
2801 Highway 28 571 Maldonado Rd, La Union, NM
88021. Phone: 915 203-0515. Alternate Phone: 575 874-3026. Email:
Maldonadomazellc@aol.com. Open: UPDATE for 2024, Their website and/or Facebook page are gone, so I assume
they have closed permanently. If you know anything for sure,
please write me, their last reported hours were Friday 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm Saturday 10 am to 10 pm Sunday
12:38 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 1:45 pm School Tours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Pumpkin updates:
Click here for updates. Directions: We will open on September 3rd, 2010 and close November 7th 2010. Payment:
Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, WIC Vouchers, SFMNP Vouchers. Sell Alfalfa.
Mesilla Valley Maze - pumpkin patch, corn maze
3585 West Picacho, Las Cruces, NM 88005. Phone:
505-526-1919. Email:
anna@mesillavalleymaze.com. Open: August 30 - November 2 (or the first freeze, whichever comes first!), Open
Wednesday, Saturday and Sundays: Wednesday 8 am to 2 pm, Saturday & Sundays 8 am to 7 pm. Directions:
click here for directions and a map. Chile roasting is available, along with some of our favorite recipes for
our sun ripened produce. They have a maze, hayride and slides. Mesilla Valley Maze facebook page (UPDATED: October 1, 2024, JBS)
A visitor writes on October 03, 2008:
"You can pick pumpkins. They are doing face painting and pumpkin carving contest. I think they even have a pie
eating contest coming up. We are going this weekend."
A visitor writes on June 26, 2010: "They only do the maze and allow you to pick your pumpkins."
Grant County
Hidalgo County
Luna County
Sierra County
Socorro County
Note: all of the listings for this area are on one page. Clicking on the map
takes you to the page of all listings for this state.